General Scripting Information
Inline Ruby Code & Units
Parameters to functions can utilize inline ruby code. This flexibility also extends to units of measure. For instance, measurements can be specified in formats like 34mm or 3″*12′. If no unit is defined, the function will default to using the model’s set unit.
Certain variables are provided to ease the scripting process:
fps: Represents the frames per second as set in the user dialog.
duration: Defines the total video duration, also set in the dialog.
x, y, z: These are the local axes for movement and orientation.
wx, wy, wz: World axes, useful for global movement and orientation without being affected by the object’s local orientation.
a: Represents all axes.
Assignable Variables
You can also assign certain values to variables, for instance:
Seed = 1234: Set the random seed. Useful when you need random but consistent animations. Set this before using any random generation functions to ensure consistency.
You can set custom variables, such as angle = 45 in the main script, and these variables will be accessible by all scripts. This approach reduces the need for hard-coded numbers and simplifies adjustments. Additionally, you can utilize a wide range of Ruby commands.
Animation Commands
Allows you to repeat another animation command multiple times without the need to manually copy and paste. Useful for effects like making an object pulse repeatedly, simulating a “heartbeat” effect.
Make an object disappear and reappear within the given time range. Hide(start_at, end_at) defines when the object will be hidden (start_at) and when it will reappear (end_at).
Move an object along a specified local axis or world axis using Move(axis, distance, start_at, end_at). Movement begins at start_at and ends at end_at.
This function propels an object along its local axis or world axis, continually increasing its velocity. Unlike the Move command, the object doesn’t halt its velocity at end_at but continues with its attained speed.
Decelerate an object over time with TimeDecelerate(axis, start_at, end_at). The object’s speed decreases gradually from start_at to end_at.
Using DistDecelerate(axis, distance, start_at), an object will slow down to a stop over the distance, starting its deceleration at start_at.
Yaw, Pitch, Roll
Rotate an object around its local axes. For example, Yaw(angle, start_at, end_at) induces rotation around the y-axis. Pitch and Roll function similarly for the x and z axes, respectively.
Rotate an object around a chosen axis with Rotate(axis, angle, start_at, end_at), starting at start_at and finishing at end_at.
Ensures a fluid rotation of an object around an axis with easing in and out effects, minimizing abruptness in rotation commencement and conclusion.
Resize an object by a multiplier with Scale(a|axis, amount, start_at, end_at). An amount of 2 would double its size, and 0.5 would halve it. Use ‘a’ to scale on all axis.
Achieve a pulsating scaling effect with PulseScale(a|axis, min, max, pps, start_at, end_at). The object oscillates in size between min and max at a rate of pps (pulses per second).
Simulate a human-like walking camera movement using Walk(speed, distance, start_at). This function captures human walking nuances, including navigating terrains like stairs and hills, providing a natural walking perspective.
Move the camera along a designated axis via MoveCamera(axis, distance, start_at, end_at).
Rotate the camera around an axis using RotateCamera(axis, angle, start_at, end_at).
Attach the camera to a group or component with GlueCamera(start_at, end_at). It’ll appear as though the camera is affixed to that object, following its every movement.
Direct the camera’s focus on an object with a smooth easing effect using LookAt(easing, start_at, end_at).
Zoom in or out with the camera using Zoom(xTime, start_at, end_at).
Have the camera tail an object through a time duration with Follow(start_at, end_at).
Orbit the camera around a point it’s focusing on (not necessarily an object) with Orbit(start_at, end_at).
Simulate the effects of gravity on an object using FreeFall(gravity, restitution, start_at, end_at). The object will fall and bounce based on the restitution value upon hitting a surface.
Allows an inner object to spin within an outer object that’s moving in a direction. Example: a soccer ball moving forward while spinning. The outer component dictates movement, while the inner one handles the spin. The parent_axis guides the spin direction.
Simulate a pendulum-like swing using Swing(x|y axis, length, gravity, damping, start_at, end_at).
Ideal for steering simulations. The Steer(axis, parent_turn_axis, parent_forward_axis, wheel_base, track) function incorporates parameters like wheel_base (distance between front and rear axles) and track (distance between left and right wheels) to simulate realistic turns, like a car for example.